Kaukah wood is a high quality wood since ancient times. Its trees reaches tens of meters
and its fruit will not fall before the age of 40 years. Kaukah trees are rare nowadays and can usually be found in Iran, Egypt and Turkey.
Kaukah wood is a high quality wood since ancient times. Its trees reaches tens of metres and its fruit will not fall before the age of 40 years. Kaukah trees are rare nowadays and can usually be found in Iran, Egypt and Turkey.
Kaukah fruit has a unique fragrance and its always sleek, greasy and hard as stone. Kaukah fruit will sink in water even though its small and light. It does not absord water and will be dry after taking it out.
Every creation of Allah swt has secrets and advantages of its own . Rays from the sun and raindrops, fertilize the earth and stores many secrets . There's no creation of Allah in nature that does not store thousand and one secrets and various properties of its own. Allah commands people to seek and look to the wisdom and benefits contained therein. With Allah's guidance, humans are able to think and be guided in an effort to exploring treasures of Allah, which results in various excavation results and useful plants. That being said, authentic kaukah wood has high benefits for health. In addition to maintaining the balance of ions in the body, the use of kaukah wood can maintain the quality of DNA.
Some benefits of Kaukah wood
Maintain the quality of DNA, with the controlling the balance of ions in the body
Prevent electromagnetic waves that may affect one's health
Lower the level of inflammation
Increase anti blood clotting / blood circulation
Prevents and fights off active cancer cells
Boosts the immune system
Increase the absorption of nutrients
Renew dead tissue cells
Increase the oxygen in the blood
Reduces tension in the nerve system and increase physical strength...
Wallahu 'alam. Allah swt knows best. We have been encouraged to always pray and put their trust entirely to Allah swt. Ikthiyar and du'a always.
Nowadays, Kaukah wood can be found in various forms and accessories. Most commonly rings, bracelet, chains / charms, pendant, Tasbih, watches and many more. Kaukah accessories does not faze out with time, it is always fashionable to be worn. Both man and ladies will look elegant wearing it.
What are you waiting for, check out our various accessories of Kaukah at our Health & Wellness section